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A window into the tragedy and impacts the opioid crisis is having on families across America.


Part 1 of The Last Stop is a memoir about losing a son, David, to heroin addiction. Through David’s letters, intimate scenes of an addict's lifestyle are exposed in real, raw, and vivid detail. Addiction turned David into a stranger who lied, manipulated, and denied his drug use for years. His heartbreaking journey deepens as he takes his family with him down the dark and dangerous road of using heroin, arrests, failed drug treatments, and numerous periods of recovery and relapse.


With passionate honesty, Patricia shares her mistakes and experiences while coping with David’s addiction. Grieving a death from addiction is two-fold. After already losing her son to addiction, Patricia has to find a way to grieve his death. David was a philosopher and a storyteller, Part 2 is a collection of his fictional short stories, essays, and poetry.


David’s story gives hope for families immersed in the life-altering aspects of active addiction and empathy for those left behind when recovery stops being a choice.

Made By Joshua Youmans

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